Nov - 2023
In collaboration with Goethe Institute, this project presents an enigmatic story of Joi mourning the disappearance of Tina. The fragmented plot and stream of consciousness writing style leave the audience wondering about Tina’s fate. The site-specific performance takes place in Goethe’s house, inviting the audience to interpret their own narrative of Tina’s story.
Dec -2023
House Dreams is an art installation exploring the gap between suburban ideals and realities. Miniature sculptures of modest homes prompt reflection on aspirations and materiality. The project integrates narrative inquiry and site-specific installations to delve into the dynamics of personal space.
Oct- 2023
This performance examines social media as a manipulative mirror, revealing the negative consequences of ego-centric responses and the lack of social consciousness. It explores the disconnect between the digital and physical worlds, highlighting the distortion of self-perception and empathy. Through installation and live performance, it questions the nature of online spaces.

The Mis-Guided Walking Tour

The Mis-guided Tour is an urban intervention project , engaging participants in exploring the city’s history and culture through a curated area. Using soundwalks, site-specific installations, and interactive elements like riddles, it highlights the interplay between narratives and physical environments, empowering locals to transform public spaces into inclusive and dynamic places.


Solastalgia :
How to Haunt Your House

The site-specific performance adopts a haunted house dramaturgy to address the decay of domestic spaces caused by the degradation of the surrounding environment. The project focuses on an informal residence grappling with waste issues that disturb their  health silently. It explores the intersection of environmental degradation, deteriorating living conditions, and the psychological effects on individuals within these spaces.


Translocal Performative Academy

The Translocal Performative Academy (TPA) is a four-year platform for artists from Europe and Southeast Asia to engage in collective learning and exchange. Through digital and annual analogue meetings, it explores space-specific performative works, fosters translocal discourse, and promotes alternative forms of organization in the art world. theatercombinat produces the TPA over four years. Visit some of our artifacts:
May  ;  April

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